This review will be covering the Jocko MOLK protein supplement created by Origin Maine and Jocko Willink.
Origin Maine is a company that sells multiple different and innovative items. From GI's to fitness equipment and now nutritional supplements. One of the things Origin Maine is famously known for is that all items are made in America. Especially when it comes to clothing and accessories this is something very rare to see, but in this case, we'll be mainly going over the protein supplement.
Jocko, who isn't for the Sugar Coated lies, has a great supplement that is a bit different from others but has an amazing flavor and gives you a good bang for your buck.
This review will specifically be going over the Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor. This Jocko MOLK review will be breaking the protein down by Nutrition Facts / Ingredients, taste, mixture, and price. Let's dig into it.
Jocko MOLK Protein Review
A high-quality protein with great ingredients and great taste. With a variety of flavors, it's a fantastic protein to pick up. A bit on the pricey side, but if you support Jocko and what the company stands for, it's worth it.
Nutrition Facts / Ingredients
From the image above you can see the Nutrition Facts as listed:
- Calories: 110
- Fat: 2
- Carbohydrates: 1
- Protein: 21
Serving Size = 1 scoop
Right off the bat, this a low carb protein drink like many others. Even though most protein drinks are low in carbs, this protein is a bit lower than most. Whereas something like Optimum Nutrition, for example, has about 4g of carbs. If you're a fairly carb-conscious person, this is a great protein for you.
In terms of ingredients, there isn't anything too crazy being done except for the inclusion of Monk Fruit Extract. Monk Fruit Extract not only is safe and fine for you, it also contains zero calories and is fairly sweet. This is probably how the protein itself can contain such a low amount of carbs while also maintaining a fairly good taste. (more on that later)
Another great thing about this product is that it contains: No Soy, No rGBH. It does contain peanuts, milk, and eggs. Now unless you have a severe allergic reaction to milk and you're just lactose intolerant, you may still be able to take this protein due to it containing digestive enzymes and specifically containing Lactase. It also contains other digestive enzymes like Lipase (used for indigestion), Amylases (helps for indigestion), Protease 1 and 2 (helps break down protein). It also contains a probiotic called L. acidophilus (good for gut health and helps produce lactic acid)
Overall, the nutritional content is pretty solid with this product. It also doesn't include much useless junk in it which an always a positive!
Nutrition Facts / Ingredients : 5/5
This review is going to cover the Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor. However, I've also tried the Chocolate Mint, Vanilla, and Chocolate flavors. The Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor is phenomenal! (Especially when taken with milk). It's up there with some other good flavored proteins like Legion and Optimum. If you're looking for a great tasting protein shake, you got one!
Now, this won't affect the review, but the Chocolate Mint is probably my 2nd favorite then being Vanilla and Chocolate.
There isn't too much to delve into the taste, but it's awesome!
Taste: 4.5/5
The mixture is always an important factor when it comes to protein. No one wants things big ol clumps of protein all over their bottle.
It's unfortunate that this has been one of the biggest falls of the protein to an extent. Now if you're the sane person and you mix your protein in a protein bottle, then you're good to go. No chunks and has is pretty easy to go down.
Now if you may have forgotten your protein bottle or it's still sitting in the dishes dirty, you may need to mix it with a glass and spoon. If you're going down this route, it's still not that bad. There will be some clumps but overall it should be something still fairly easy to get down without much of an issue
Mixture: 4.5
If ordering this on Amazon (affiliated link) this will cost you $45 for a container. Now how does this rank against other proteins?
Let's take Legion Protein. This protein comes in at $40 on Amazon (affiliated link). With one less serving size as Jocko MOLK (31 Serving Size). So you can assume that for Jocko MOLK it's about $1.45 per scoop and Legion is $1.33 per scoop. So Legion is a bit less
If you look at Optimum Whey Protein, it ranks at $30 on Amazon with a serving size of 29. This would be about $1.03 a scoop.
Overall, the price is definitely more on the higher end of things, granted not by much but it makes a difference in the long term if you have a protein container a month would come out to $540.
Price: 3.5
Final Thoughts
My overall review of Jocko MOLK is a great protein overall. With its awesome ingredients and great taste, it's a great protein and you're supporting a great company as well. It is a bit more on a higher scale overall in terms of price, but also, not by much. If you like Jocko and want to support the company, then you're getting awesome and high-quality protein. If you're trying to get something a bit cheaper, you may want to look for something else.
You can buy Jocko MOLK here from Amazon (affiliated link). You can also go to Origin Maine's site and get it there as well.
If you're looking for a good pre-workout that will get you fired up, check out my review on Outwork Nutrition's Preworkout.
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